We have a dream, green earth and there is no global warming concerns.
But every day is deforestation, clearing new land, new housing projects, road widening, and so forth.
Always green corner's become a victim. Areas that should be green area turned into apartment, shopping center / mall and so forth.
As a result, the city became very hot. The increasing number of vehicles on the road increasing the number of air pollution every day, whereas trees that serve to recycle air pollution is reduced. If this happens constantly then it is certain catastrophe due to global warming can not be avoided.
Not to mention the flood disaster that could happen at any time due to lack of circumstance tree sequestration / storage / water control.
If no one has bothered with this, the more severe the damage to the our earth will continue to happen.
Massive investment in housing and road sectors such as apartments, housing, and roads are considered by investors as a safer investment and promising. In the mining sector, investors continued to look for mining investments such as oil, gold and coal are considered to be a very profitable investment. Impact on nature is clear, deforestation, land clearing, loss of green areas in cities, air pollution is getting out of control, everything is heading towards global warming.
For that we care and we offer green investment. Investment that will continue to keep our forests, the investment does not have a negative impact on the environment, participate investment nature preserve. Investment in the agricultural sector. Planting trees such as Falcata, teak and agarwood trees. Clearly we offer investment for who are concerned with the environment. Only USD $ 600 you have to buy 1 Diamond pack contains 175 agarwood tree seedlings that will be planted in cooperation with the farmers who own land in Indonesia. Not limited to how many trees you wish to plant. And how much profit will you get?
After a period of 8-10 years, agarwood trees will ready to harvest. Our company ensures that even if it fails in inoculation, one tree remained in value USD $ 225 to $ 600, which means assuming 100% live tree, the minimum results obtained after 8-10 years is USD $ 11,812 (30% of investors). Once again this is minimal outcome where the worst possible occurs. From the results of our experience, successful trees in inoculation could reach a price of USD $ 2,225. If 50% of the number of trees in inoculation success then the result you get is more than USD $ 68,000
Remember that the investor gets 30% of the total harvest. Gross calculation is 35% of companies, 35% of farmers and 30% of the total yield investor. If you want more results we can arrange lease land for this green investment project.
Important point with this green investment are:
1. You help the world in addressing global warming crisis.
2. Your help improve the welfare of farmers in Indonesia.
3. You participate in the program realizing planting 1 million trees.
If you are interested in the Agarwood Green Investment please click the purchase link below. You may purchase more than one package of investment. But if you just want to donate to us, regardless of the amount we are very grateful, please click the donation link on the right sidebar.
But every day is deforestation, clearing new land, new housing projects, road widening, and so forth.
Always green corner's become a victim. Areas that should be green area turned into apartment, shopping center / mall and so forth.
As a result, the city became very hot. The increasing number of vehicles on the road increasing the number of air pollution every day, whereas trees that serve to recycle air pollution is reduced. If this happens constantly then it is certain catastrophe due to global warming can not be avoided.
Not to mention the flood disaster that could happen at any time due to lack of circumstance tree sequestration / storage / water control.
If no one has bothered with this, the more severe the damage to the our earth will continue to happen.
Massive investment in housing and road sectors such as apartments, housing, and roads are considered by investors as a safer investment and promising. In the mining sector, investors continued to look for mining investments such as oil, gold and coal are considered to be a very profitable investment. Impact on nature is clear, deforestation, land clearing, loss of green areas in cities, air pollution is getting out of control, everything is heading towards global warming.
For that we care and we offer green investment. Investment that will continue to keep our forests, the investment does not have a negative impact on the environment, participate investment nature preserve. Investment in the agricultural sector. Planting trees such as Falcata, teak and agarwood trees. Clearly we offer investment for who are concerned with the environment. Only USD $ 600 you have to buy 1 Diamond pack contains 175 agarwood tree seedlings that will be planted in cooperation with the farmers who own land in Indonesia. Not limited to how many trees you wish to plant. And how much profit will you get?
After a period of 8-10 years, agarwood trees will ready to harvest. Our company ensures that even if it fails in inoculation, one tree remained in value USD $ 225 to $ 600, which means assuming 100% live tree, the minimum results obtained after 8-10 years is USD $ 11,812 (30% of investors). Once again this is minimal outcome where the worst possible occurs. From the results of our experience, successful trees in inoculation could reach a price of USD $ 2,225. If 50% of the number of trees in inoculation success then the result you get is more than USD $ 68,000
Remember that the investor gets 30% of the total harvest. Gross calculation is 35% of companies, 35% of farmers and 30% of the total yield investor. If you want more results we can arrange lease land for this green investment project.
Important point with this green investment are:
1. You help the world in addressing global warming crisis.
2. Your help improve the welfare of farmers in Indonesia.
3. You participate in the program realizing planting 1 million trees.
If you are interested in the Agarwood Green Investment please click the purchase link below. You may purchase more than one package of investment. But if you just want to donate to us, regardless of the amount we are very grateful, please click the donation link on the right sidebar.
If you are not pleased with paypal payment, please contact us to make payment via bank transfer
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